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2021 Summer of Review
Week Twelve, S1E18 Making &
Growing Disciples Part II
Has your life
in Christ been based on having
prayed a prayer so you can go to
heaven when you die? Is the way
you live as a follower of Jesus
simply doing your best,
expecting God’s grace to cover
your sins? Does your faith in
Christ drive you to active
obedience, or are you still
making excuses when your life is
not conformed to the demands of
the New Covenant? As the 2021
summer of Review continues into
week twelve, Jim Warren resumes
his comparison of how kingdom
Christianity makes and grows
disciples of Jesus with the ways
of conventional culturalized
Christianity. In this episode,
we look at the key issues
necessary for becoming and
making disciples of Jesus, or as
some may say, “getting saved.”
We will continue to see how this
subject flows perfectly from our
recent study of Philippians
chapter three, verses seven
through ten. One major reason
the modern conventional
culturalized church has fallen
flat on its face is that most of
us have gotten off on the wrong
foot. Because of this, many will
have to go back to the beginning
to bring about the radical
revitalization of conventional
Christianity. After all, as
Jimbo often says, this radical
revitalization will only happen
one person at a time.
2021 Summer of Review
Week Eleven, S1E18 Making &
Growing Disciples Part
I—Sacrificial Invested Ministry
and Developing Redemptive
Relationships (55:15)
finishing the three-part lesson
on Paul’s radical attitude and
actions that resulted from his
conversion, Jim Warren begins a
new four-part lesson on Making
And Growing Disciples. In this
episode, Jim introduces these
new lessons in the Getting’ Down
to the Nitty-Gritty section of
Cultural Christianity Versus
Kingdom Christianity. He begins
by defining sacrificial invested
ministry as the heart and soul
of authentic Christian ministry
and outreach. He also speaks
about developing redemptive
relationships, which are
essential to making disciples
where the name of Jesus has
already been heard. Throughout
this section, Jim encourages his
listeners to remember that
authentic conversion includes
the intertwined elements of
repentance and active faith
producing obedience. You will
remember this from the lessons
on Paul’s radical attitude and
actions found in Philippians
2021 Summer of Review
Week Ten, S1E17 The Radical
Attitude and Actions of Paul,
Part III: The Final Movements
Hit a Grand Finale (49:14)
As the 2021
Summer of Review moves into its
tenth week, Jim Warren concludes
his study on the radical
attitude and actions of Paul
found in Philippians 3:7-10. In
the final two verses, Paul,
acting as the conductor of the
symphony of his life, introduces
more instrument groups
increasing the dynamic crescendo
bringing every past note to a
final dramatic blast of unique
sounds. Each phrase of these
verses calls every person to
drop to their knees in
repentance and the authentic
faith that produces obedience.
As he has in the past two
episodes dedicated to this vital
segment of scripture, Jim shares
with you the robust meaning of
both the nouns and verbs,
uncovering a lifestyle hidden to
the casual reader. This entire
series of three episodes will be
ones you will cherish and listen
to over and over again as you
seek to live the authentic life
of a radical disciple of Jesus.
2021 Summer of Review,
Week Nine—S1E16, The Radical
Attitude, and Actions of Paul,
Part II—Doggy-Dew Sandwiches,
Anyone? (55:10)
In this 2021
Summer of Review teaching, Jim
Warren takes us deeper into the
unfolding radical attitude and
actions of the Apostle Paul. Not
only did Paul consider his
religious and cultural life a
damaged loss and a detriment to
his partnership with Jesus and
His kingdom, but now he adds
more. In this episode, we learn
that Paul was so radical that he
considered the whole of every
kind and variety of things in
their totality not only a
damaged loss and a detriment but
he saw them as doggy-dew to be
scraped off his sandals! Paul
commands us to have this same
radical attitude and take these
same radical actions in verse
seventeen. So here is the
question: “Are you eating
doggy-dew sandwiches, or are you
scrapping the whole of every
kind and variety of things in
their entirety off your shoe and
focused totally on Jesus and His
kingdom?” Next week we learn the
results. Will you be ready?
2021 Summer of Review,
Week Eight—S1E15, The Radical
Attitude and Actions of Paul
from Philippians Chapter Three,
Part One—Background and Verse
Seven (57:10)
part of the 2021 Summer of
Review starts the most important
three podcasts Jim Warren has
ever created! These three
episodes are so important they
have become the basis of a new
book he has written. In
Philippians 3:7-10, we learn the
radical attitude and actions of
authentic repentance and faith.
Unfortunately, these are missing
from many of the conversions
from the conventional,
culturalized church. This
missing element leads to a huge
number of problems not only in
the faith communities but in the
lives of many who claim the
title Christian. Thus, Houston,
We Have A Problem! In this first
of three episodes, Jim explains
the three key ways we learn
about life in the kingdom from
the New Covenant, his
intensified version of these
passages, and how to get a copy
of this version. Finally, he
finishes off digging into verse
seven. Verse seven forms the
groundwork for understanding how
radically intense, authentic
repentance is in the life of a
disciple of Jesus. Oh, yes, it
is in these next three episodes
where one of Jim’s favorite
sayings is heard repeatedly, NO
2021 Summer of Review,
Week Seven—S1E11, When Will God
Establish His Kingdom? (51:21)
The 2021
Summer of Review continues with
the final episode defining
kingdom Christianity. Having
shown that the terms kingdom of
God and kingdom of heaven are
interchangeable and that the
entire message of the New
Covenant is the gospel of the
kingdom of God, Jim presses us
on to the ramifications. If the
gospel is all about the kingdom
of God and not going to heaven
when we die, the question that
should come to your mind is,
“When will God establish His
kingdom?” Are you, after being
saved, waiting around for what
will happen while you do your
best? Do you clutch tightly to
that one-way ticket to the
celestial retirement home
waiting for Jesus to snatch you
out of this world? Is that all
there is? Time to wake up! The
thinking behind these ideas is
neither the gospel nor the
calling of God upon your life.
It is time to have your world
turned inside-out and
upside-down! The kingdom you
await is HERE! NOW!
2021 Summer of Review,
Week Six—S1E10, What Is Kingdom
Christianity? Part IV, The
Biblical Perspective Continued
In last
week’s Inside Jimbo’s Head
segment of the Hello, Jimbo
Speaking Podcast, Jim Warren
started sharing the Biblical
perspective on the Kingdom of
God with some first thoughts on
why “kingdom of God” and
“kingdom of heaven” are
interchangeable terms. He
continues those thoughts in this
episode and then turns to
something that will “blow your
socks off.” Jim will define for
you the gospel! Think you do not
need to listen to this one
because you know the gospel?
Well, guess what? The gospel you
may have heard was probably
about going to heaven when you
die and having God’s help to do
your best until you get there.
If that is the case, what Jim
has to say about the gospel of
the kingdom of God will turn
your world inside-out and
upside-down! Go ahead. Give it a
listen. But beware! This episode
will change EVERYTHING.
2021 Summer of Review,
Week Five--S1E9 What is Kingdom
Christianity? The Biblical
Perspective, Part I (55:54)
In this
podcast on “What is Kingdom
Christianity?” Jim Warren
reviews what has been said in
previous podcasts about the
fastest growing church in the
world, the church in Iran.
First, however, he talks about
the effects this move of God has
had on Western missionaries who
have spent time studying this
unique, first-century model of
Christianity. Then, after
sounding the trumpets, Jim
begins his Biblical perspective
on the kingdom of God as he
answers the questions, “What is
Kingdom Christianity?” This
first episode will give you a
short introduction to this
subject by looking at the first
reason why the terms “kingdom of
God” and “kingdom of heaven” are
interchangeable, meaning the
same thing. The purpose of this
portion of our study is to
instill in you the reality of
God’s kingdom already on the
earth in this age. As Jim puts
it, “It’s time to stop waiting
for the future, for the future
is NOW!” Oh, and please do not
forget to listen to the Diggin’
Deeper Café for this episode!
Dr. James Randolph joins Jim
Warren to focus on how
evangelism should be making
disciples, not getting people
saved, and other issues from
this episode.
2021 Summer of Review,
Week Four--S1E6 American
Culture, Pragmatism &
Independence (59:13)
On this
week’s 2021 Summer of Review, we
go back to January of 2020,
where Jim Warren, Jimbo, was
finishing up answering the
question, “What is Cultural
Christianity?” Taking in the
basic premises of any culture
has always been disastrous to
the church down through history.
However, in the last century,
the seepage of American cultural
principles has brought the
church to its knees. While this
may come as a big surprise to
most 21st Century American
Christians, the facts do not
lie. In the last episode, Jim
discussed how rationalism and
individualism are antithetical
to the principles of God’s
kingdom. In this episode, he
takes on the foundational
principles of American culture,
pragmatism, and independence.
Finally, Jim summarizes all four
episodes that have tried to
answer “What is Cultural
2021 Summer of Review, Week
Three--S1E4 American Culture,
Rationalism & Individualism
discussed the origins of the
American culture in S1E3
(not a part of the 2021 Summer
of Review), Jim Warren
turns our attention to the first
two pillars of American culture,
rationalism and individualism.
All four of the pillars of
Americanism have had very
positive results for all those
focused on secular goals.
Nonetheless, they have had a
devastating effect on those who
are called to live according to
the culture of the kingdom of
God. By the way, if you claim
the title “Christian,” you are
not only called to live by the
kingdom culture but are
commanded to live by your king’s
teachings, which define the
kingdom’s culture. If you think
you can combine the pillars of
American culture and the pillars
of kingdom culture . . . Well,
let’s just say that is why
Houston, We Have A Problem!
2021 Summer of Review, Week
Two--S1E2 The Power of Culture (49:23)
In this
second week of the 2021 Summer
of Review, Jim Warren takes us
on a cultural journey. He helps
us understand what culture is
and its importance in forming
the lives of people. He also
speaks to the basic tenets of
American culture, its founding
based on the Age of
Enlightenment, and how American
culture is in transition. Oh,
yes. He also points directly to
the problems in the American
church coming from American
culture seeping into the culture
of the Church. This seepage is
how the kingdom culture from
which the church and its
citizens should operate has been
replaced, leading to the
problems discussed in the last
2021 Summer of Review, Week
One--S1E1 Houston, We Have A
Problem (40:26)
Welcome to
the 2021 Summer of Review. This
first week's episode of the
Hello, Jimbo Speaking Podcast we
are reviewing is the first full
episode to hit the ethersphere.
People still question me when I
say that conventional
Christianity has fallen flat on
its face. I ask them if they
have done the research. I have
not met one person yet who has
done the research who disagrees
with me. Of course, all you have
to do is look around at all the
walking dead who are the results
of conventional culturalized
Christianity. This episode
introduces you to some of the
research that has been done over
the last three decades that make
it clear, Houston, We Have A
Problem. The question is, "What
will we do about it?" Those
answers will follow in other
podcasts we review in the 2021
Summer of Review. I hope you tag
along. However, I really hope
your world turns inside-out and
upside-down. So, LET'S GET
S1E21 Getting’ Down to the Nitty-Gritty:
Making and Growing Disciples,
Part IV—Growing Disciples Jesus’
Way (1:01:26)
This is the
final episode of the Making and
Growing Disciples part of the
Nitty-Gritty Section of our
study on Cultural Christianity
Versus Kingdom Christianity and
is entitled Growing Disciples
Jesus’ Way. Jimbo and Ree start
things off by giving Hershimer
some much-needed counsel about
his relationship with HaHa. Then
Jimbo reaches back into the
vault and pulls out an
oldy-goldy entitled Lessons
Ignored. You might remember this
story is about a father and son
whose life in Christ was based
more on what God could do for
them rather than their
responsibilities to God. Then a
new one-minute comedy sketch
from LifeLine Productions
entitled Do You Love Me gives us
some more insights into the how
this type of relationship easily
Finally, Jimbo’s head
opens up with all those crazy
and wild sounds spilling out
another provocative teaching
which concludes our look at
making and growing disciples
Jesus way. In this lesson Jim
touches on how people learn to
do things and ties this into how
Jesus grew, and thus we are to
grow disciples. Once again, this
looks quite different from what
we find the the modern
conventional culturalized
church. This teaching is one
every leader in the church needs
to study if the conventional
culturalized church is to be
Gettin' Down to the NItty-Gritty:
Making and Growing Disciples,
Part III--Sharing the Gospel of
the Kingdom (1:09:07)
In this
episode, Ha-Ha has a heartfelt
talk with ReeRee about the big
move Hershimer made for them in
the last episode. Then Jimbo
shares Part Two of a series of
vignettes from the Stories From
the Frontlines of Ministry
entitled "Meet Some of My Kids."
Another one-minute comedy skit
with a punch by LifeLine
Productions follows this
entitled, "You Have to Be
Hired." Finally, we get down to
the meat of the show when Jimbo
opens up that old head of his
and another provocative teaching
spills out. In this episode,
Jimbo teaches how to share the
gospel of the kingdom of God in
contrast to easy believism's
simple gospel of redemption. He
walks us through an extensive
kingdom gospel narrative, two
keys to sharing this gospel
narrative, including the
importance of community, and
finally, his counting the cost
questions. All in all, Jimbo
keeps up his radical call to
move away from the mindset of
conventional culturalized
Christianity and take up a
kingdom dweller's lifestyle.
Ready to get RADICAL?
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In this first
special edition of the Diggin’
Deeper Cafe, the entire team
comes together to discuss the
question, “What do you struggle
with the most trying to move to
a kingdom perspective?” Dr.
James Randolph and Kevin Birky
join Jim Warren and his
right-hand man, Joel Heim, to
share their struggles. Members
of the live audience also share
their difficulties moving from a
conventional culturalized form
of Christianity into a kingdom
perspective. An interesting
discussion ensues as the team
seeks answers to some of the
more difficult questions in our
pursuit to live authentic
disciples of Jesus in the modern
Getting’ Down to the Nitty-Gritty:
Making and Growing Disciples,
Part II—The Keys to Becoming and
Making Disciples (1:00:57)
In this
episode, Hershimer talks with
Jimbo about a huge problem he
and HaHa are facing. Then Jimbo
will bring you the first of two
Stories From the Frontlines of
Ministry made up of multiple
vignettes from connections he
made with youth at a local
juvenile detention center. Then
he will bring you a new
one-minute comedy skit with a
punch from FrontLine Productions
entitled "Conversations in
Heaven." Have you ever wonder
what some early church people
will say when we share our
experience as Jesus' followers
with them. We'll get a glimpse
of the possibilities when
modern-day Bob meets
Bartholomew. Finally, all the
stuff that has been boiling up
in Jimbo’s old head spills out
as we continue our first subject
in the Gettin' Down to the Nitty-Gritty
section of our study on Cultural
Christianity Versus Kingdom
Christianity. As we continue to
look at Making and Growing
Disciples of Jesus, we will look
at the key issues necessary for
becoming and making disciples of
Jesus, or as some may say,
"getting saved." We will
continue to see how this subject
flows perfectly from our recent
study of Philippians chapter
three, verses seven through ten.
These studies are important
because one major reason the
modern conventional culturalized
church has fallen flat on its
face is that most of us have
gotten off on the wrong foot.
Many will have to go back to the
beginning to bring about the
radical revitalization of
conventional Christianity. After
all, as Jimbo often says, this
radical revitalization will only
happen one person at a time.
Gettin' Down to the Nitty Gritty
-- Making and Growing Desciples Part I
-Sacrificial Invested Ministry
and Developing Redemptive
Relationships (54:14)
In this
episode, Hershimer and HaHa
return from visiting her
parent's home with two BIG
surprises. Jimbo shares another
Story From the Frontlines of
MInistry about a youth who had a
hard time holding his temper
entitled "Of Butcher Knives and
Chain Saws." Then you will hear
a one-minute comedy skit with a
punch from Frontline Productions
entitled, "Greetings," all about
how we often say a lot without
saying anything at all. Finally,
when Jimbo opens up his old
head, the first in a four-part
series on Becoming a Disciple
and Growing in Christ spills
out. In this first episode,
Jimbo introduces you to the
heart of kingdom ministry he
calls sacrificial invested
ministry, as well as some
guidelines on how to develop
redemptive relationships with
those who are not "in Christ."
This series is the perfect
follow-up to our previous study
on Paul's radical attitude and
actions which began with his
conversion. Boy, oh, boy, talk
about gettin' down to the
Gettin' Down to the Nitty
Gritty--The Radical Attitude and
Actions of Paul, Part III: The
Final Movements Hit a Grand
Finale (55:24)
In this
episode, Jimbo forgoes the
"Stories From the Frontlines of
Ministry" and "The One-Minute
Comedy Skit with a Punch"
segments to conclude our look
into the radical attitude and
actions of Paul found in
Philippians 3:7-10. In verses
nine and ten, Paul, acting as
the conductor of the symphony of
his life, brings in more
instrument groups increasing the
dynamic crescendo bringing every
past note to a final dramatic
blast of unique sounds that call
every person to drop to their
knees in repentance and faith
that produces obedience. As he
has in the past two episodes
dedicated to this vital segment
of scripture, Jim will share
with you the robust meaning of
both the nouns and verbs,
uncovering a lifestyle hidden to
the casual reader. This entire
series of three episodes will be
ones you will cherish and listen
to over and over again as you
seek to live the authentic life
of a radical disciple of Jesus.
Getting Down to the Nitty-Gritty,
The Radical Attitude, and
Actions of Paul, Part II--The
Symphonic Crescendo Increases!
In this
episode, Jimbo finds a letter on
his desk from Hershimer and HaHa
informing him that they have
decided to extend their vacation
to HaHa's parents' home for a
few weeks. But get this! They
promise Jimbo they will have a
big surprise when they return.
What could that be all about?
Then in the Story From the
Frontlines of Ministry, we learn
that Father can even use CaCa to
bring a young man into His
kingdom. Can you imagine what a
Mongolian beehive looks like?
Well, Amazing Allen gets his
hand stuck in one in this week's
one-minute comedy skit with a
punch from Lifeline Productions.
What could that have to do with
this week's lesson as we open up Jimbo's head one more time?
Well, this week, Jim Warren
continues to unfold the depth of
the radical attitude and actions
of the Apostle Paul as he
compares Philippians 3:7-10 to
the increasing crescendo of a
major symphony. Guess what? We
are commanded to have the same
attitude and actions even though
we, like Amazing Allen, continue
to stick our hands in a
Mongolian beehive trying to hold
on to the honey provided by our
American culture. Are you ready
to get radical?
Versus Kingdom
Getting Down to
the Nitty-Gritty,
The Radical
Attitude, and
Actions of
Seen in the
Attitude of
Paul, Part
Information for
In this episode,
Hershimer and
HaHa leave a
note for Jimbo
with a big
message. We will
also learn what
happens to
people caught up
in the Easy
associated with
the culturalized
church in the
Stories From the
Frontlines of
segment. Here’s
a question for
you. Have you
ever told
someone they
needed to change
direction in
their lives when
you are the one
who needs to
direction? This
is the punch in
this week’s one
minute laugh
with a punch
comedy skit from
Finally, Jimbo
starts to get
down to the
nitty-gritty of
versus kingdom
when he begins
to lead you into
an intensified
study of Paul’s
radical attitude
found in
chapter three,
verses seven
through ten. If
this three-part
study doesn’t
turn your world
inside out and
upside down,
well . . .
DaMoose and the
Pastor (1:01:55)
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In this week's
special episode
of the Hello,
Jimbo Speaking
podcast, Jimbo
puts all
segments on hold
for another
moving extended
Story From the
Frontlines of
entitled "DaMoose
and the Pastor."
This story took
place over
thirty years
ago, but the
lessons it
teaches about
ministry are
timeless. It was
during this
period that
Jimbo's entire
perspective on
ministry took a
change. This new
direction took
him from the
ministry model
of cultural
into the
attitude of
Jesus. Through
this story, you
will learn about
the power of
ministry and
just how hard it
is for those
steeped in
Christianity to
grasp. Be sure
to listen to the
very end when
Jimbo interviews
the main
character in
this story, now
thirty years
older. Listen as
she relates how
the sacrificial
ministry she
during her youth
as impacted her
adult life!
How Should A
Interact With
Their Native
Seek, or
Something Else…
Part II -- The
In this episode,
Jimbo and Ree
share some
comments from
listeners, but
Hershimer has
one to share as
well. You’ll
never guess who
wrote that one.
popped up in
Jimbo’s life.
This one was in
a coffee shop.
Find out what
happens after
Jimbo builds a
with a young man
and eventually
has the
opportunity to
confront him
with some
“counting the
cost” questions.
“We Met in a
Coffee Shop” is
the title of
this week’s
Story From the
Frontlines of
Ministry. Have
you ever worked
in an office,
and your food
disappeared from
What excuses did
you’re coworkers
use when
confronted. What
would happen if
the boss’s food
was missing?
Find out how
this relates to
your walk in
Christ in this
one-minute laugh
with a punch
comedy skit from
Finally, Jimbo
opens up his
head one more
time with all
the weird
wounds. This
week’s Inside
Jimbo’s Head
segment is all
about the
perspective on
how a Jesus
follower should
interact with
their native
including its
institutions and
How Should A
Interact With
Their Native
Seek, or
Something Else…
Part I (58:28)
What Is The
Difference Your
Neighbors See In
Your Life? Is It
Just Going to
Church? In this
episode, find
out what happens
when Hershimer
and HaHa have a
picnic in
Jimbo’s office.
Also, find out
the difference
making Jesus
Lord of her life
makes in a young
girl in this
Story From the
Frontlines of
Ministry. So, if
your toothbrush
was used to
clean the
bathroom, would
you still use
it? If your
purpose in life
is different
than God’s
purpose, will He
still use you?
That’s what the
comedy skit with
a punch is all
about this week.
Finally, when Jimbo’s head
opens, he will
share with you
another Inside
Jimbo’s Head
entitled, “How
Should A
Interact with
Their Native
Seek, or
Different? Part
I, The
S1E11 What is
Part V (57:50)
So, are you
ready for
If you are maybe
. . . just
maybe, you will
find people
interested in
struggling with
what it means to
be a disciple of
Jesus. Jimbo
tells the story
of just such an
incident in this
week’s Story
From the
Frontlines of
entitled, “An
Have you ever
played a game
with someone who
changes the
rules to fit
their situation?
Have you ever
ignored or tried
to change God’s
rules of living
in His kingdom?
Find out what
happens when you
listen in to two
fellows playing
backgammon in
this episode of
the one-minute
laugh with a
punch comedy
skit by Lifeline
Productions. In
this final
installment of
“Inside Jimbo’s
Head” answering
the question,
“What Is Kingdom
Jimbo will share
with you the
most important
stance you can
take when
answering the
question, “When
will God
establish His
kingdom?” As
usual, it will
and, if you have
ears to hear, it
will turn your
world inside out
and upside down!
Oh, yes!
Hershimer and
HaHa show up at
the end of this
episode, so hang
in there to the
S1E10 What is
Part IV (55:39)
HaHa has her
revenge on
Hershimer for
the prank he
played on her in
episode nine.
After sharing
his biggest
in the last
episode, Jimbo
shares a
situation where
he learned the
positive results
of his ministry
in this Story
From the
Frontlines of
entitled, “It
Happened at a
Funeral.” In the
comedy skit with
a punch
entitled, “Can I
Stay Home,” we
learn another
amazing life and
faith lesson
from Lifeline
Finally, in the
Inside Jimbo’s
Head segment,
Jim Warren
continues his
perspective on
Christianity by
sharing the
definition of
the kingdom of
God and the
S1E9 What is
Part III (54:51)
Episode nine
begins with the
results of a
prank Hershimer
pulls on his new
girlfriend, HaHa.
Jimbo shares one
of his greatest
in his almost
years of
ministering to
higher risk
teens and young
adults and asks
the question,
“When should I
give up?” in
this episode of
Stories From the
Frontlines of
entitled, “I
First Met Him in
Detention.” In
“Amazing Alan
and the Roller
Amazing Alan
learns what life
is like without
a safety bar in
this Lifeline
comedy skit with
a punch. In the
Inside Jimbo’s
Head segment,
Jim Warren
finishes some
final thoughts
on the fastest
growing national
church movement
and then begins
to share the
needed to
understand the
perspective on
What is Kingdom
Part II (50:47)
A brand new
character joins
the team as
introduces his
new girlfriend,
HaHa. In this
Story From the
Frontlines of
Poem,” Jimbo
shares a strange
situation that
left him with
words that
continue to open
his heart to
higher risk
teens and young
adults. What
would happen if
men on the
battlefield had
the same
attitude of many
in the Church?
You will find
out in this
episode of
comedy skit with
a punch, “Battle
for Pizza.” Jim
Warren continues
to explain why
the fastest
growing national
church movement
in the world is
a living example
of kingdom
Christianity in
this Inside
Jimbo’s Head
What is Kingdom
Part I (57:34)
One aspect of
volunteering in
the same
detention center
for over twelve
years that Jimbo
appreciates is
how his stories
are passed down
among bothers
and sisters. In
“Hey, are You
Jimbo?” you will
hear how this
paid off big
time for a group
of teens in this
Story from the
Frontlines of
Ministry. In
comedy skit with
a punch, you
will overhear a
with a customer
who is
with the content
he found in the
Bible he
purchased. In
the Inside
Jimbo’s Head
segment Jim
Warren changes
the conversation
to discussing
what kingdom
Christianity is
all about by
sharing a proof
of its power in
the fastest
growing national
church movement
in the world.
You will be
surprised where
this church
What is Cultural
Part IV (58:09)
In this episode,
Hershimer is
missing until
the very end.
After working
with troubled
teens and young
adults for close
to thirty-five
years, Jimbo
discovers he
still is moved
by the stories
and needs of his
“special kids”
in this Story
From the
Frontlines of
entitled, “A
Heart that
Bleeds.” Amazing
Alan tries to
defuse a bomb
instructions in
this episode of
comedy skit with
a punch. Jim
Warren concludes
his discussion
on cultural
Christianity by
continuing the
discussion from
the last
episode, but
this time
focused on
pragmatism and
independence in
the Inside
Jimbo’s Head
segment. He also
sums up key
points of how
cultural seeping
to the church is
destroying the
power and
witness of
Host (Jimbo):
Jim Warren;
Announcer (ReeRee):
Hershimer: Simon
S1E5 “It
Was You, Jimbo!” The Robert
Anthony West Story (34:46)
PDF not available |
This is a very
special episode
where all
segments of the
podcast are
suspended for an
extended Story
From the
Frontlines of
Ministry. This
story, which is
so close to Jim
Warren’s heart,
is presented in
two acts, which
will not only
cause you to
think hard about
your life but
may just cause
tears to run
down your
Host: Jim
Warren; Robert:
Nathan Beaty
What is Cultural Christianity?
Part III (59:49)
Hershimer surprises Jimbo and
ReeRee by bringing them pizza.
In the Story From the Frontlines
of Ministry, you will meet a
young man who says it will take
a miracle for him to become a
disciple of Jesus in this
episode entitled “What is Three
and a Half?” Did you ever wonder
where much of the pain in your
life comes from? In Lifeline
Productions’ one-minute comedy
skit with a punch, Mr. Smith
gets an answer to that question.
Jim discusses the key premises
of Americanism, which have been
absorbed into American
Christianity in the Inside
Jimbo’s Head segment.
Host (Jimbo):
Jim Warren; Announcer (ReeRee):
Sherrice Williams; Hershimer:
Simon Hill
What is Cultural Christianity?
Part II (59:49)
In episode
three, Jimbo has a long talk
with Hershimer about Hershimer’s
“falling in love” with ReeRee.
One phrase Jimbo always hears
from the kids is, “Nobody loves
us, Jimbo!” This is the title of
this Story From the Frontlines
of Ministry. In Lifeline
Productions’ one-minute comedy
skit with a punch, Amazing Alan
tries to ride a camel through a
door. It is in this episode
Jimbo raises a controversial
subject as he takes you on a
discovery trip to understand the
basis of American culture. But
be careful. You just might learn
somethings you didn’t want to
Host (Jimbo):
Jim Warren; Announcer (ReeRee):
Sherrice Williams; Hershimer:
Simon Hill
S1E2 What is Cultural Christianity? Part I (48:20)
messes with Jimbo by answering
the phone before Jimbo can. In
the Story From the Frontlines of
Ministry entitled, “Back pain
and All,” you will learn of how
Father always gets us just where
He needs us most. Lifeline
Productions’, one-minute comedy
skit with a punch, is introduced
with a scene in which a
disappointed Agent X gets a
Bible. In the Inside Jimbo’s
Head segment, Jim Warren
introduces you to the general
concept of culture with an
introductory look into the
American culture.
Host (Jimbo):
Jim Warren; Announcer (ReeRee):
Sherrice Williams; Hershimer:
Simon Hill
S1E1 Houston We
Have A Problem
In this
inaugural episode, impatient
Hershimer begs for pizza. The
Story From the Frontlines of
Ministry, “Hey God,” is a moving
compilation of many comments Jim
has heard from troubled young
ladies. Jim also lays out a
convincing argument for why
conventional Christianity needs
to be revitalized, in the Inside
Jimbo’s Head segment.
Host (Jimbo):
Jim Warren; Announcer (ReeRee):
Sherrice Williams; Hershimer:
Simon Hill