Robert Anthony West Memorial Fund

For three months, often meeting three times a week, Jim Warren poured his life into Robert West. On June 27, 2019, Robert went home to be with the Lord. Robert so impacted Jim's life we are dedicating all of Jim's direct ministry to youth 16-27 years of age in the memory of Robert.

Robert's family was excited about this dedication and approved the Robert Anthony West Memorial Fund to be established in Robert's memory. 100% of all funds donated will be spent on the direct out-of-pocket costs incurred in Jim's direct ministry to the disconnected, higher-risk youth and young adults who are so dear to his heart. On average, these costs equal $100 per month per young person.

Jim has made an audio presentation about Robert, his life, and his passing. You can listen to the dramatized audio by clicking the audio player below.

On behalf of Robert, his family, and all of us at DLD, we thank you for your consideration to help young people in the Youth Coaching Plus program and in memory of this amazing young man.


The Robert Anthony West Story

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The Hello, Jimbo Speaking Podcast and the Diggin' Deeper Inside Jimbo's Head broadcasts are ministries of Dynamic Life Development, Inc. a 501(c)3 nonprofit Christian organization incorporated in the state of Indiana, USA. All donations are tax deductible. These will be receipted in January of the year following the donation. Thank you for your support of Jim's ministry to disconnected higher risk teens and young adults.

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